Top Touristenattraktionen Pakoštane . Entdecken, erkunden und besuchen Sie natürliche und kulturelle Sehenswürdigkeiten, Veranstaltungen und Touristenattraktionen und verbringen Sie einen unvergesslichen Urlaub in Pakoštane!
Vransko lake is the largest natural lake in Croatia, located near Pakoštane. Vransko lake is a cryptodepression in karst since the lake surface is 2 meters above the sea level, while the bottom of the lake is 4 meters below the sea level. The lake is connected with the sea by the underground channels so the water in the lake is slightly salted. In 1999, Vransko lake and its surroundings have been declared a nature park. Nature park Vransko lake covers an area of 57 km2 and, in 2013, it was included on the list of protected wetlands by the Ramsar convention. The lake is about 14 km long and 1.4 to 3.4 km wide. A part of Vransko lake has been declared an ornithological reserve and it is considered to be one of the most valuable ornithological areas in Croatia. In the ornithological reserve, more than 230 different bird species have been seen, out of which ten are endangered bird species. Admission to the nature park is free of charge, while tickets are charged only for entrance to special parts of the park. There are numerous opportunities for walking, hiking, biking, kayaking, guided tours and more.
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