Tourist guide Dubrovnik, Croatia

Top tourist attractions Dubrovnik . Discover, explore and visit natural and cultural sights, events and tourist attractions, and spend an unforgettable vacation in Dubrovnik!

Steny Dubrovníka


Mesto Dubrovník je jednou z najväčších perál Jadranského a Stredozemného mora, preto niet divu, že kvôli zachovaniu, kráse a veku boli mestské hradby Dubrovníka a staré jadro mesta zapísané na Zoznam svetového dedičstva UNESCO. , Symbolom mesta sú hradby postavené v období od 12. do 17. storočia. Dubrovnícke múry chránili slobodu Dubrovníckej republiky po celé storočia. Mestské hradby s dĺžkou 1 940 metrov sú vysoké až 25 metrov a šírky až 6 metrov. Múry obklopujú staré mesto Dubrovník a predstavujú komplexnú obrannú štruktúru. Z hradieb si návštevníci môžu vychutnať nádherný výhľad na staré mesto Dubrovník, ostrov Lokrum a modré more. Steny Dubrovníka pozostávajú zo 16 veží, 4 mestských brán, 3 pevností (Minčeta, Bokar a St. Ivan) a 6 bašt. Hoci pevnosti Lovrijenac a Revelin nie sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou mestských hradieb, obidve pevnosti sú súčasťou obranného systému mesta. Nenechajte si ujsť jedinečnú príležitosť navštíviť pôsobivú kultúrnu pamiatku uznanú UNESCO. Cena lístka na návštevu stien sa pohybuje od 50 do 200 Kn (7 až 27 eur). Odporúčame ráno navštíviť hradby Dubrovníka, aby ste sa vyhli davom. Prehliadka trvá asi hodinu a pol, v závislosti od tempa, preto prineste vodu a opaľovací krém.


Tourist info Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik Dubrovnik is one of the most famous and the most important tourist destinations in the Mediterranean. The city gained worldwide fame above all because of its history, maritime, commercial and diplomatic traditions and cultural diversity which is why in 1979. has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. As the capital of the Republic of Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik has achieved a high degree of development, particularly during the 15th and 16th century, a prosperity and riches were based on maritime trade and diplomatic skills. The trademark of Dubrovnik are its walls, one of the best preserved fortification system in Europe, 2 km long. Walking along the city walls you will see the imposing fortress that served the defense of the Dubrovnik Republic, then Aquarium and Maritime Museum. Favorite promenade along the city walls is the main street Stradun, the broadest and most beautiful city street that divides the old town on the northern and southern part and that serves as a place of all major public festivities and processions. The old town center has many little cobbled streets, squares, churches, museums and restaurants which you will discover with delight. Dubrovnik has an interesting offer and outside the city walls, so you can climb the cable car to Srdj Hill located at 413 m above sea level and where there is a fortress Imperial with unforgettable panoramic views of the city and the Adriatic. You can visit the island Lokrum which Dubrovnik residents calls the island of lovers, where you can enjoy the scent of the Botanical garden or swimming in the crystal clear waters of Adriatic sea. Private accommodation in Dubrovnik is characterized by quality and charm, and is significantly more affordable compared to hotels. Contact the owners of private accommodation directly and find your ideal apartment or room in the old town or outside of it and get to know and experience Dubrovnik - the jewel of the Mediterranean. Welcome!

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Our recommendation

Recommended apartments and private accommodation Dubrovnik

Apartments Nikola - Dubrovnik |

Apartments Nikola


Price from 80 € per night

Apartments Marghareta - Dubrovnik |

Apartments Marghareta


Price from 100 € per night