Tourist guide Drage, Croatia

Top tourist attractions Drage . Discover, explore and visit natural and cultural sights, events and tourist attractions, and spend an unforgettable vacation in Drage!

Nature park Vransko lake


Vransko jezero je največje naravno jezero na Hrvaškem, ki se nahaja v bližini Pakoštanov. Vransko jezero je na krasu kriptodepresija, saj je površina jezera 2 metra nad morsko gladino, dno jezera pa je 4 metre pod morsko gladino. Jezero je z morjem povezano s podzemnimi kanali, tako da je voda v jezeru nekoliko osoljena. Leta 1999 so Vransko jezero z okolico razglasili za naravni park. Naravni park Vransko jezero obsega površino 57 km2 in leta 2013 ga je Ramsarska konvencija uvrstila na seznam zaščitenih mokrišč. Jezero je dolgo približno 14 km in široko od 1,4 do 3,4 km. Del Vranskega jezera je razglašen za ornitološki rezervat in velja za eno najdragocenejših ornitoloških območij na Hrvaškem. V ornitološkem rezervatu je bilo že več kot 230 različnih vrst ptic, od tega deset ogroženih vrst ptic. Vstop v naravni park je brezplačen, vstopnice pa se zaračunajo le za vstop v posebne dele parka. Obstajajo številne možnosti za sprehode, pohodništvo, kolesarjenje, kajakaštvo, vodene oglede in še več.


Tourist info Drage

Drage Drage is a small tourist and fishing village in the county of Zadar in Croatia. Drage is situated in a small bay on the narrow coastal belt between the Vrana lake and the Adriatic sea, just 2 kilometers south of Pakoštane. Administratively it belongs to the municipality Pakoštane and has a population of 800 permanent residents. Drage is quiet little Dalmatian village that will delight you at first sight with its natural beauty and hospitality of the local population. Fifteen years ago residents of Drage were mostly engaged in agriculture and fishing, but today tourism and service activities are dominating. Accommodation can be found within numerous private apartments, rooms and several campsites. A very rugged coastline with numerous bays covered with pine trees and fragrant Mediterranean plants and numerous sandy beaches are the best invitation to all guests looking for a quiet holiday away from mass tourism. Vrana Lake Nature Park has located only 1 km from the town and is a paradise for nature lovers, campers and fishermen. Around the entire lake is well-decorated walking and bike path with nice places for a picnic, and you can stop off at a nearby lookout Kamenjak where you can relax with a breathtaking view of the entire lake and Zadar archipelago. From Drage coast, view of the Kornati islands and the open sea is obscured by a small but inhabited islet Vrgada. It is possible to visit the island of Vrgada. You can also choose other trips and visit National Park Kornati and Krka, Šibenik, Zadar, and Biograd. Local restaurants and taverns have a wide variety of fresh freshwater and marine fish dishes with a glass of top quality Dalmatian wines. Visit Drage, relax and enjoy in the charm and natural beauty of this small Dalmatian town. Private accommodation in Drage close to Pakoštane. Apartments, rooms and holiday homes in Drage. Welcome to Drage!

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Our recommendation

Recommended apartments and private accommodation Drage

Apartment Lela - Drage |

Apartment Lela


Price on request

Apartments Villa Antonio - Drage |

Apartments Villa Antonio


Price from 70 € per night