Tourist guide Karlobag, Croatia

Top tourist attractions Karlobag . Discover, explore and visit natural and cultural sights, events and tourist attractions, and spend an unforgettable vacation in Karlobag!

Přírodní park Velebit


Působivá hora Velebit je nejdelší a největší horou v Chorvatsku, bohatou na flóru a faunu, proto není divu, že má 2 národní parky - národní park Severní Velebit a národní park Paklenica. Hora Velebit sahá 150 kilometrů od Senj (sever) k řece Zrmanja (na jih). Nejvyšší vrchol Velebitu je 1 757 metrů vysoký Vaganski vrh, který je součástí národního parku Paklenica. Přírodní park Velebit se rozkládá na ploše asi 2000 km2 a je to největší chráněná oblast v Chorvatsku. Na Velebitu jsou také přísné rezervace Hajdučki kuk a Rožanski kuk, jeskyně Cerovac, botanická zahrada Velebit, Lukina jama (jedna z nejhlubších jám na světě), lesní vegetační rezervace Štirovača, útočiště medvědů Kuterevo, četné endemické druhy včetně medvědů a vlků. Jednou z největších atrakcí je stezka Premužić, 50 km dlouhá stezka spojující severní a střední Velebit, která nabízí atraktivní výhledy na moře, ostrovy a, když je jasno, dokonce i Itálie. Zvláštností Velebitu jsou dvě zcela odlišné tváře - mírné, zelené a zalesněné na kontinentální straně a příkré, skalnaté a holé na mořské straně. Možnosti aktivit na Velebitu jsou rozmanité - od pěší turistiky, jeskyně, chůze, horolezectví až po cyklistiku. V blízkosti se nachází také Jaderské moře a atraktivní pláže kanálu Velebit. Můžete navštívit Velebit ze Starigrad Paklenica, Senj, Karlobag, Otočac, Gračac nebo Gospić.


Tourist info Karlobag

Karlobag Karlobag is a historic and picturesque coastal town and municipality in Lika-Senj County in Croatia. It is located at the foot of the Velebit mountain, 60 kilometers south of the town of Senj, opposite the island of Pag. Karlobag area has been inhabited since ancient times when this was a Roman settlement Vegium, which had a military, transport and commercial importance. Until the 16th century, it was ruled by Croatian noble families, when Turks captured it, burned it and expelled the population. After passing the Turkish threat, residents returned to the town. With the arrival of the Austrian government, it acquired the status of the city and was rapidly developing, so by the end of the 19th century was built the port, dock, school and forestry buildings. In the eighties of the last century was built the first hotel in Karlobag which became the carrier for further development of tourism. Today Karlobag has about 1,000 inhabitants, who are mainly engaged in fisheries, forestry, and tourism. Residents of Karlobag offer accommodation in their private family houses. Karlobag riviera stretches along 42 km of coastline and includes many small villages like Ribarica, Cesarica, Lukovo, Barić Draga and Sveta Marija Magdalena, and on the Velebit mountain Baške Oštarije. The city has several historic sites that are worth visiting, like Capuchin monastery from the 18th century with a valuable collection of paintings, ruins of a medieval fortress Fortica and the beautiful Baroque church of St. Charles Borromeo. You can relax, swim and sunbathe on several small well-kept beaches, or on the rocky coast in front of the houses and apartments. Additional tourist offer includes the possibility of diving, fishing, and hiking to nearby Baške Oštarije and towering peaks that offer breathtaking views of this part of the Adriatic sea and islands. The gastronomic offer is very interesting and includes a unique blend of Mediterranean, continental and mountain culinary style. Here you can enjoy fresh grilled fish, lamb on a spit or under the lid with vegetables, the original highland cheese "škripavac" and Velebit brandy. Visit Karlobag and spend holidays surrounded by clear seawater and unspoiled nature of mighty Velebit mountain. Search for cheap private accommodation in Karlobag and surrounding area. Contact directly owners of apartments, rooms and holiday homes in Karlobag and save up to 40% on expensive agency fees. Welcome to Karlobag!

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Our recommendation

Recommended apartments and private accommodation Karlobag

Apartment Studio Karlobag - Karlobag |

Apartment Studio Karlobag


Price from 200 € per night

Apartments Villa Luce - Karlobag |


Apartments Villa Luce


Price from 50 € per night

Apartments Rina - Karlobag |

Apartments Rina


Price from 100 € per night